Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Blog just created!

It's 2011 and I haven't made any resolutions.  I really don't intend to because, like many others, I probably won't keep them.  However, I have "resolved" to regularly blog and this is one that I'll be posting to.

The Orchard Voice Studio, new name, old studio, has reopened its doors after a 5-year hiatus.  While I have spent the bulk of my time teaching at Lehigh University for the past 15 years, I have only recently reinvested time and energy into teaching at home.  I am now accepting students high school and college age with only a few slots on Wednesdays and Saturdays still available.

Ideas are always popping into my already cluttered brain so my hope is that this blog will help organize them a bit and entertain the rest of the world at the same time.  It will contain news of the studio, at home and at Lehigh, and offer interesting thoughts and tidbits about the subject of singing.

Happy New Year!